Static Site Generators

Which Sites Are Bad for Static Conversion

December 25, 2019 in Static Site Generators
Read Time: 4 minutes
Which Sites Are Bad for Static Conversion
As developers, we sometimes tend to want to throw our latest, new-found tech toy at every problem. After recently converting this blog from a WordPress site to a static HTML site using Hugo, of course I’ve decided to try this elsewhere. Here’s what I learned. Benefits of Static There are a lot of examples (1, 2, 3) showing the difference between Static Site Generators (SSG) and a CMS like WordPress. The pros of static sites are easy to see:

Migrating from WordPress To Hugo

December 16, 2019 in Static Site Generators
Read Time: 5 minutes
Migrating from WordPress To Hugo
As you can see from the last post, this blog hasn’t been updated in a while. For all intents and purposes, it’s a static site. So why not take this opportunity to test out static site generators? For this, I’m using Hugo. There’s been a lot of stuff going around with these, but I haven’t had a chance to test them out. A dead blog is a perfect place for this.